Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New stuff and mail to aj!

Sorry for not posting in 3 days, but here I am. Today the new stuff is here! And some old things is back.
GLOVES IS BACK EVERY BODY GLOVES IS BACK! HURRY TO MT SHIVER TO GET YOUR OWN NOW!! sorry for shouting but it is really cool I think. and in Jam Mart Clothing you can now buy turkey hats and beutifly wings!:
And in Mystery Emporium:

In Bahari Bargains:
Jam Mart Clothing:
Some christmas stuff is out early:
And now to something exiting...In cora Canyons,  behind the Water fall, there is some kind of construction zone. I think that it is a way to a cave pathway to a new land! Some thinks it will become a shop.
There is tons of new coulors to have on your animal and even a new secret coulor! Here is where to cclick on the change coulors board to get the "ice" coulor:
Yeah, and noe you can choose your pets coulors and details whitout coulors! But it is something strange becuse now it is impossible to get a rare feature like a hat): but I am sure AJ HQ will fix it!
When you are crating your den, the menu bar disapears so it will be easier to see your den, and you can even slide around in your den whitout moving your animal !

Yes, I sended a mail to aj about this:
You probable know the add mails that are sended out to noinmembers every monthe... In them they say that members can go on expeditios! That is strabge click the picyure under this to see the answer when I I asked the what this all is:

Yeah, see you in Jamaa!

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