Panfu.comRating:4/5 (Member 2 months)3/5
Webosaurs(Member 1 moth)2/5 months)4/5
Animal Jam (4months)4/5
Now you maybe wondering why AJ is just 4/5. It is becuse they miss the most important thing to have in a virutual worl, quests. All of the other worlds have quests! You know You go talk to someone get a mission, get that thing......AJ NEEDS QUESTS!
My first acivement was
1.Buddy added
2. 10 0008In Long shot)
3. Fast match(Double up)
Now I got 115 acivements, and mygoal is to become to best Aj player ever by getting all achivements.
When I strted, Mt shiver where pretty new and Seals wherere just for members. If you saw a seal in town it was about like seeing a lion today... Crystal Sands had a very different look....
Ah.....good times. I dosnt really like the "new" Crystal Sands. It is just plastic slides.
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