Sunday, December 4, 2011


The one who comment all these questions right answers, will win a prize!
1.How many lands are there in Jamaa?
A:13 B:12 C:9
2.How many lands where there under the beta times?
A:4 B: 5 C:6
3 How many playable animals are there in AJ?
A:13 B 12 C:14
4. How many animals where there under the beta times?
A:6 B:5 C:7
5How many games is there in aj? I am not counting whit games where you dosnt earn gems, but remember, I mean ALL the games that EVER been on AJ
A:21 B:20 C:22

Thats it!


pyret9911 said...

1. 11 there is only 11 lands ;)
2. 6 lands
3. 13 playable animals
4.6 animals
5. aww a hard one..:( im jus guessing 21 i have wrong right.. :( aww i dont know..

HjiloTheSupremeTiger (Superhjilo) said...

Sorry, but you got 3/5 right answers.

reds565 said...


p.s my user is reds565 if i win ok